



Project Management Journal

Project management is a crucial aspect of any business and has been the focus of extensive research and development in recent years. The Project Management Journal is a leading publication in the field, providing insights into various project management methodologies and best practices. With a focus on practical applications, this journal offers valuable insights for project managers and business leaders.


International Journal of Project Management

The International Journal of Project Management is a renowned publication in the field of project management, offering a global perspective on the challenges and opportunities in managing complex projects. With a focus on interdisciplinary research and the integration of various management disciplines, this journal is a valuable resource for project management professionals looking to expand their knowledge and skills.

Journal of Construction Engineering and Management

Construction engineering and management is an essential component of project management, especially in the context of large infrastructure projects and building construction. The Journal of Construction Engineering and Management provides valuable insights into the latest developments in construction management, project planning, and execution, as well as the integration of advanced technologies in the construction industry.

Journal of Management in Engineering

The Journal of Management in Engineering focuses on the intersection of engineering and management, offering valuable insights into how engineering projects can be effectively managed and executed. With a focus on innovative management practices, this journal provides a platform for researchers and practitioners to share their experiences and findings in the field of engineering project management.

Engineering Project Organization Journal

The Engineering Project Organization Journal is devoted to advancing the understanding of how engineering projects are organized, managed, and executed. This journal explores various aspects of project organization, including team dynamics, leadership, stakeholder management, and organizational structures, providing valuable insights for project managers and organizational leaders in the engineering industry.

In conclusion, the five aforementioned SCI journals play a significant role in advancing the knowledge and practices of project management across various industries. Whether it's exploring the latest project management methodologies, examining interdisciplinary perspectives, or understanding the complexities of engineering project organization, these journals provide a wealth of information and insights for professionals in the field. As project management continues to evolve in response to new challenges and opportunities, the research and findings published in these journals will undoubtedly continue to shape the future of project management practices.